Tuesday, December 1, 2009

blog 13

Positive change is a hard thing to construct. If humanity is comfortable than why should change occur. Over the topic of activisum and change Gail Sheehy stated it best when she said, “If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living.”
This quote encapsulates the true essence of why change is so important. Change is hard to do because it calls for humans to work, sweat, and suffer. Change calls for passion in a passionless human. Passion and change go hand in hand for without will or passion positive change would be an impossible feat. Positive change allows for one to grow and reach one’s true potential. When people get involved in helping women succed in the world they are creating change and awarness which gives hope, and allows for a brighter future full of hope and reform. Change is what change does. But, positive change is what allows life to be worth living, it allows for growth and hope to occur. To be involved in activism one must embrace change and live life for it which is truly a gift that we all should embrace and partake in. So as I sign off in my last blog, remember the words of Gandi, “be the change you wish to see in the world”.

blog 12

This week I realized how in infectious the media can be in persuading its audience to accept their view points on a given issue. I made this realization after going on to a famous singer’s website. This famous singer that I speak of is the infamous Ani Difranco. She is a self-owned, self- created singer/songwriter. She was one of the first musicians that realized that she could stick it to the “big wigs” of recording labels by creating her own label and by self- distributing her own music. So in the early 1990’s she created her own studio and ever since she has been creating music the way she wants to. She also has amazing talented singer/songwriters on her label. The reason why I chose her as my focus for this week is because she realizes the power that the media has on how people behave in society. She even has a select area on her web site that is called Action. This Action area on her website is directed towards bringing alternative ideas to people who are in search of media coverage. Ani states on the Action page the following,
“Welcome to the ACTION section of the Righteous Babe website! Our humble goal here is to share information and ideas, to suggest places you can look for alternatives to mainstream media coverage of world events, and to propose ways you can find and work with like-minded individuals and organizations around the planet and in your own neighborhood.” http://www.righteousbabe.com/action/index.asp I felt that her idea to place alternatives of mainstream media coverage at a focal point of her website was really inspiring. By women in America creating a new vision for people to veiw information we can culminate more awarness for women in non-western countries. Perhaps Ani's action page could link up to NGO's that support womens groups. It is wonderful that Ani understands how important knowledge is especially true knowledge. So hats off to Ani and people in the world who are stirring the pot in hopes that people can help the world, for the world’s sake and for humanities sake.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

blog 11

Recently, I came across this amazing website called http://womensmediacenter.com. Once I began to sift through their messages I realized that their organization had a ton of creditability. Their creditability was created though the presence of the topics that they argued against. One topic that grasped me was called "Sexism Sells, But We’re Not Buying It! "As the sexist tone reaches a fever pitch with networks chase ratings in this historic presidential election, the Women’s Media Center is speaking out with a new video illustrating the pervasive nature of sexism in the media."(Stated on the web-site)
I watched the you- tube video called "Sexism Sells, But We’re Not Buying It! And I believe that the you-tube video was well organized in depicting how the media were biased towards women in westernized cultures and in non-westernized cultures. On the website a person released a statement about the video that I found to be very accurate about how the media acts towards women. He stated this: We know that media companies today are under tremendous pressure to build audiences and drive ratings, but this type of vulgar, sexist commentary is not the way to do it. Women wield tremendous financial power in the United States. Our message to media companies: if you think that sexism sells, think again, because women in America are not buying it. Which made me wonder about women in India, I am quite sure they wouldn’t buy into it but what about the women in the city they are surrounded by images of women and men especially if they are images sponsored by westernized corporations? Another person wrote this on the website: "I was a young woman in the 60’s during the feminist movement. It seems to me that women are worse off now than we were then. At least back then, men knew when they were being sexist. We used to joke about it with our male friends." This woman has been through a lot over the years in watching women start up and gain equality from the different faceted movements and I can see how she would be even more fed up then a younger person who might take for granted her rights. However, it is important for society to sign petitions that prevent the media from being biased, racist or sexist. We have voices we must use them to support ourselves and our rights!
WE NEED TO LET THE MEDIA KNOW THAT SEXISM SELLS all over the world, BUT WERE NOT BUYING IT, ANY MORE!!! All cultures should choose to take a stand if they are aware of this and westernized cultures should definitely take a stand against sexism

blog 10

This week I find it important to visit the theme of activism and women.I came across an article called Recommitting to Eleanor Roosevelt’s Challenge to the World, this article enticed my appetite very much. Mary Robinson the president of Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative stated in her article that, "Sixty years, the UN adopted a promise to guarantee the dignity of each individual.{And} Today, women are at the forefront of the continuing struggle for human rights." This year on December 10th will mark the 61st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. "The declaration affirms the inherent dignity and equal rights of each and every person. It calls for human rights to be respected by all nations, individuals and organs of society." Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the main leaders in efforts to create a more just future for all people. The reason why this anniversary is so important is because it has recently been commemorated by the UN and the message of equality for all is still alive in new generations. The article also mentioned that women have been the leading contributors to keeping the message of equality alive throughout the generations. The author of the article also stated in regards to a womens power that, "When women put their minds to achieving something collectively, we get it done." (http://www.womensmediacenter.com/ex/121008.html) This is the cold hard truth. I believe that when you collectively get women or any one for that matter together in search of ascertaining the same goal power is created. And if the goal is full of goodness and truth anything is possible! On that note it is of importance that personal commitment to human rights and a commonality of shared goals be acted upon. Here is a great website (www.everyhumanhasrights.org) that people can go to, too take that step towards change.
Peace and check out the website, you'll be glad you did.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blog 9

Today I came across this news flash: INDIA: Single Women Break Their Silence, Challenge Societal Norms. The article coincided with its bold title. This article took on an introspective view that focused on the poor treatment of widowed Indian women and how some women are standing up for them while challenging cultural ideologies. One woman stated that,” A widow is not treated with respect. At times she is still expected to shave her head, wear extremely simple and course white clothes, forbidden to wear jewelry or make-up, and is forced to eat separately, the food consisting of a frugal vegetarian diet," Jha points out. "Why should widows undergo such tortures? Men don't face such discrimination when their wives die; they just marry again!"( Nitin Jugran Bahuguna) This quote exemplifies how poorly widowed women are treatment in India. There is a deep social stigma that surrounds widowed single women. However, recently six women gathered from different states in India to create a movement for the promotion of Single Women's Rights. This is a huge step for them and this committee of women are “ committed to reviewing and expanding the legislation on women's right to property and ensuring that women would inherit their share from their parents and also their in-laws,"( Nitin Jugran Bahuguna) Also, the site reported , “Amid the difficulties that confront them, the women behind the forum and similar undertakings have made a firm resolve to address these gender inequities.” !"( Nitin Jugran Bahuguna) Overall, even though these women are taking a great risk in speaking out, on a whole they are empowering women all over the world to speak out in the name of justice and equality, which is truly inspiring.

Website Intern Press Service – a communication institution with a global news agency at its core. IPS raises the voices of the south and civil society. IPS tells the story underneath. (http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=48953)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog 8

I found myself bewildered yesterday after I Google image searched the top women pop singers in America, such as Mariah Carrey, Beyonce, Brittney Spears, ext. I was bewildered because of the extraordinarily raunchy pictures that were displayed of them. In those moments of sifting through their pictures I realized even more so that women in westernized culture are seen as sex symbols. Granted I have known that sex sells and that it is an industry standard, however seeing the raw footage in front of my eyes on my computer screen gave me a very bright awakening. This lead to my next question, what do popular singers in non-westernized cultures look like, and how are they portrayed by their culture? I surely know how Americans portray their top singers, with use of sex and demoralization but what is it like for women singers in Asia, India, or Kenya? I did a bit of research and found the following pictures. The first is of a young female from Singapore her name is Tanya Chua Jian Ya. She is currently a pop star coveted in Asia, including Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. I looked through the pictures of her on Google image and came across the following one which was a great representation of all of her pictures.This picture is tasteful and not blatantly sexual and most of the pictures that came up when I Google imaged her were like such. view picture at


Next, I found Sharon Prabhakar an Indian Pop star. Her pictures were also quite classy and the one I put below is the most sexual one I could find of her which is nowhere near the level of sexual promiscuity that Euro/Americans have on their artists. view at http://www.hindisong.com/Interview/Interview.asp?ContentID=1075

Finally, I found Amani Museke who is one of the biggest female stars in Africa. She is from Kenya to be precise, and quite frankly it was hard coming up with a sexual picture of her on the Google image as well. The picture I found was arguably the most sexual one out of the whole vat.- veiw at http://www.museke.com/node/2189

Overall, I wish I could post some of the most sexual pictures of American/Euro women pop singers but I would probably be kicked out of class. From all the countless pictures I could tell I viewed that non-westernized cultures hold their top women singers accountable for their actions and view them with more respect than American or European cultures. Is it unfortunate, YEAH, DEFINITELY, should this be a topic that is studied and brought out in public YEAH!!!! FOR SURE, however besides my ranting I hope this blog offers some insight into how different cultures view their top female pop singers verses how westernized cultures view there pop singers and I really hope that westernized countries begin to see the harm they do to the female image, by making such sexual images of our top female talents acceptable.

Sorry that I could not figure out at more reasonable way to show case the pictures with in the blog... :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog 7

Most recently in the news I found that Women in Iran were just granted an award called the Anna Politkovaskay award for Courage. This award is given out once a year in to women who stand up for women’s rights, in memory of the Russian humans rights advocate and journalist who was murdered three years ago in her elevator of her apartment complex. Anna was a very brave woman who spoke out against violence of women and supported equality for all people with a strong emphasis on women’s rights. The Anna Politkovskaya award for courage is an award that is meant to keep Anna’s spirit alive. Each year the award goes to women who demand great women’s rights. This year it was presented on Tuesday October 5, 2009 to a group of women in Iran who have set out to ascertain one million signatures on a petition that supports greater women’s rights in their country, Iran. The group that gave the award to the Iran women said, “"We gave them the award because they are an extremely brave and courageous group of women and they are really changing the society in Iran, which is extremely difficult," RAW in War founder Mariana Katzarova told Reuters”. (www.reuters.com) This is a very powerful statement because it shows that the passion of a small group of individuals can bring about awareness and ultimately promote positive change. I found this out only an hour after it happened and I am a world away from this situation, but it affects all women and me in that right because where there is injustice for one there is injustice for all. The spirit, fight, and risk of imprisonment that the Iranian women put forth shows their determination and dedication towards this problem and by all means I hope they continue bringing about such broad awareness and support towards this very urgent issue. Power to the Women and may change occur faster than they expected. One Million signatures are on there way!!!!!