Tuesday, December 1, 2009

blog 13

Positive change is a hard thing to construct. If humanity is comfortable than why should change occur. Over the topic of activisum and change Gail Sheehy stated it best when she said, “If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living.”
This quote encapsulates the true essence of why change is so important. Change is hard to do because it calls for humans to work, sweat, and suffer. Change calls for passion in a passionless human. Passion and change go hand in hand for without will or passion positive change would be an impossible feat. Positive change allows for one to grow and reach one’s true potential. When people get involved in helping women succed in the world they are creating change and awarness which gives hope, and allows for a brighter future full of hope and reform. Change is what change does. But, positive change is what allows life to be worth living, it allows for growth and hope to occur. To be involved in activism one must embrace change and live life for it which is truly a gift that we all should embrace and partake in. So as I sign off in my last blog, remember the words of Gandi, “be the change you wish to see in the world”.

blog 12

This week I realized how in infectious the media can be in persuading its audience to accept their view points on a given issue. I made this realization after going on to a famous singer’s website. This famous singer that I speak of is the infamous Ani Difranco. She is a self-owned, self- created singer/songwriter. She was one of the first musicians that realized that she could stick it to the “big wigs” of recording labels by creating her own label and by self- distributing her own music. So in the early 1990’s she created her own studio and ever since she has been creating music the way she wants to. She also has amazing talented singer/songwriters on her label. The reason why I chose her as my focus for this week is because she realizes the power that the media has on how people behave in society. She even has a select area on her web site that is called Action. This Action area on her website is directed towards bringing alternative ideas to people who are in search of media coverage. Ani states on the Action page the following,
“Welcome to the ACTION section of the Righteous Babe website! Our humble goal here is to share information and ideas, to suggest places you can look for alternatives to mainstream media coverage of world events, and to propose ways you can find and work with like-minded individuals and organizations around the planet and in your own neighborhood.” http://www.righteousbabe.com/action/index.asp I felt that her idea to place alternatives of mainstream media coverage at a focal point of her website was really inspiring. By women in America creating a new vision for people to veiw information we can culminate more awarness for women in non-western countries. Perhaps Ani's action page could link up to NGO's that support womens groups. It is wonderful that Ani understands how important knowledge is especially true knowledge. So hats off to Ani and people in the world who are stirring the pot in hopes that people can help the world, for the world’s sake and for humanities sake.